Basic Parameters - Nice NDA001 Programming Manual

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• partial open 3 (0x1d)
This function is expressed in encoder pulses. During the opening manoeuvre this enables programming of the precise point (position) at which the door stops
travel (partial open). To do so, use the hold-to-run "open" and "close" buttons; this enables you to determine the desired position and save it with the "OK"
button. If the motor has a mechanical limit switch, the position is not displayed, but the closing time is displayed instead.
• close deceleration (inverters only) (0x25)
This function is expressed in encoder pulses. During the closing manoeuvre this enables programming of the precise point (position) at which the door should
start decelerating before reaching the limit switch. To do so, use the hold-to-run "open" and "close" buttons; this enables you to determine the desired posi-
tion and save it with the "OK" button.
• close (0x19)
This function is expressed as a percentage. During a closing manoeuvre, this enables programming of the precise point (position) of the door closing travel
limit. To do so, use the hold-to-run "open" and "close" buttons; this enables you to determine the desired position and save it with the "OK" button. If the
motor has a mechanical limit switch, the position is not displayed.
Deceleration (inverters only) (0x44)
This parameter can be set with a value from 20% to 100%; the factory setting is 20%. This function enables you to program the speed of the motor while
learning the open and close positions and during the final phase of deceleration. Important – Always set this to the minimum speed required to operate the
door. Setting too high a speed can make it difficult to precisely determine the stop position.
Braking level (0x35)
This parameter sets a delay for the activation/deactivation of the brake when starting a cycle. The range is 0 to 2.5s; the factory setting is 0s.
The parameter is divided into 4 items numbered 1 - 4 at the top right of the Oview screen. Select the delay time in "ms" for brake deactivation for:
- Value 1: start opening
- Value 2: start closing
- Value 3: stop opening
- Value 4: stop closing
Board version (0x03)
This displays the type of control unit and motor. The following board versions are available:
❒ Mechanical limit switch, three-phase
❒ Electronic limit switch (encoder), three-phase
❒ Mechanical limit switch, single-phase
❒ Electronic limit switch (encoder), single-phase
❒ Electronic limit switch, inverter, single-phase
Delete data (0x0c)
This function enables the user to delete the configuration of a control unit and the relative stored data, selecting items from a series. These items are:
❒ bluebus devices – enables deletion of the configuration of the Bluebus devices and the STOP input;
❒ positions – enables deletion of all memorised positions;
❒ function values – enables deletion of all values and settings of functions envisaged on the control unit;
❒ all – deletes all data in the control unit memory, except for the reserved parameters: series, address, hardware version, software version, serial number. It
also loads the default values for sectional doors and shutters.
❒ all fast action doors (0x7C) – deletes all data in the control unit memory, except for the reserved parameters: series, address, hardware version, software
version, serial number. It also loads the default values for fast action doors.
Automatic closure (0x80)
This parameter is ON/OFF; the factory setting is "OFF". The function enables the auto close function after an open manoeuvre in the control unit. If the function
is active (ON) the automatic closure manoeuvre starts at the end of the wait time programmed in the function "pause time". If the function is not active (OFF)
the Control unit operation mode is "semiautomatic". Note: auto close does not operate in hold-to-run close mode.
Pause time (0x81)
This parameter is expressed in seconds and can be set with a value from 0 to 250 sec.; the factory setting is 40 sec. This function enables programming on
the Control unit of the required wait time which must pass between the end of an Opening manoeuvre and the start of a Closing manoeuvre. IMPORTANT
– This function is only enabled if the "automatic closure" function is active.
Close again after photo (0x86)
• active (0x84)
This parameter is ON/OFF; the factory setting is "OFF". The function enables the automation to remain in the Open position only for the time required for a
vehicle or person to transit. When this interval elapses the Automatic Closure manoeuvre is activated automatically, which in turn is started after a time as set
in the function "wait time". Important – When the function is active (ON), operation varies according to the parameter set in the function "Automatic closure":
❒ with the function "Automatic closure" active (ON), the Opening manoeuvre is stopped immediately after disengagement of the photocells and, after the
wait time set in "wait time", the automation starts up the Closure manoeuvre.
❒ with the function "Automatic closure" not active (OFF), the automation completes the entire Opening manoeuvre (even if the photocells are disengaged
beforehand) and, after the wait time set in "wait time", the automation starts up the Closure manoeuvre.
Caution! – The function "close again after photo" is disabled automatically if a Stop command is sent during the manoeuvre in progress, to stop the ma-
noeuvre. It does not work in hold-to-run close mode.
• mode (0x86)
This parameter is factory set on the mode "open until disengage". The function has 2 operating modes:
❒ open all – when this mode is enabled, if the safety devices (photocells) are activated during a Closure manoeuvre, the automation starts to perform a
complete Opening manoeuvre. On the other hand, if the safety devices are disengaged, the automation starts the automatic closure manoeuvre after the
wait time as programmed in the function "closure delay time" has elapsed;
❒ open until disengage – when this mode is enabled, if the safety devices (photocells) are activated during a Closure manoeuvre, the automation starts to
perform an Opening manoeuvre, which proceeds until the photocells are disengaged. At this point the manoeuvre is shut down and the automation starts
the closure manoeuvre after the wait time as programmed in the function "closure delay time" has elapsed. Note – If the "Automatic closure" function is
not active, the Control unit switches to "open all" mode.

Basic parameters

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