Fire And Explosion - Sullair ES-8 Operator's Manual And Parts List

Integral air compressor/dryer & filter
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Section 1
the outside of the structure or to an area of non---ex-
M. DO NOT engage in horseplay with air hose as se-
rious injury or death may result.
N. DO NOT pass air through the compressor/dryer
while the compressor/dryer is in the OFF position.
O. DO NOT pass air through the compressor/dryer
until the compressor/dryer has been stabilized. This
condition exists when the refrigeration suction and
discharge gauges read normal.
P . DO NOT operate a compressor/dryer at abnor-
mal conditions. Consult the manual for normal oper-
ating conditions.
Q. Only qualified personnel should attempt to repair
leaks or problems with the refrigerant system of the
R. For potential hazards of fluorocarbon refriger-
ants, see Table 1 (in this section).


When installing a Base Load Transfer (BLT) Sys-
tem, remove jumpers between 16---17 & 18---19
(Dual Control Compressors) so the other com-
pressor does not backfeed defeating the shut-
down circuitry.
A. Clean up spills of lubricant or other combustible
substances immediately, if such spills occur.
B. Shut off the compressor/dryer and allow it to cool.
Then keep sparks, flames and other sources of igni-
tion away, and DO NOT permit smoking in the vicin-
ity when checking or adding lubricant or when refil-
ling air line anti---icer systems with anti---freeze com-
C. DO NOT permit fluids, including air line anti---icer
system antifreeze compound or fluid film to accu-
mulate on, under or around acoustical material, or
on any external surfaces of the air compressor/dryer
or on internal surfaces of the enclosure. Wipe down
using an aqueous industrial cleaner or steam---
clean as required. If necessary, remove acoustical
material, clean all surfaces and then replace acous-
tical material. Any acoustical material with a protec-
tive covering that has been torn or punctured should
be replaced immediately to prevent accumulation of
liquids or fluid film within the material. DO NOT use
flammable solvents for cleaning purposes.
D. Disconnect and lock out all power at source prior
to attempting any repairs or cleaning of the com-
pressor/dryer or of the inside of the enclosure.
E. Keep electrical wiring, including all terminals and
pressure connectors in good condition. Replace
any wiring that has cracked, cut, abraded or other-
wise degraded insulation, or terminals that are
worn, discolored or corroded. Keep all terminals
and pressure connectors clean and tight.
F. Keep grounded and/or conductive objects such
as tools away from exposed live electrical parts such
as terminals to avoid arcing which might serve as a
source of ignition.
G. Remove any acoustical material or other material
that may be damaged by heat or that may support
combustion and is in close proximity, prior to at-
tempting weld repairs.
H. Keep suitable fully charged fire extinguisher or
extinguishers nearby when servicing and operating
the compressor/dryer.
I. Keep oily rags, trash, leaves, litter or other com-
bustibles out of and away from the compressor/dry-
J. DO NOT operate the compressor/dryer without
proper flow of cooling air or water or with inadequate
flow of lubricant or with degraded lubricant.
K. DO NOT attempt to operate the compressor/dry-
er in any classification of hazardous environment
unless the compressor/dryer has been specifically
designed and manufactured for that duty.
A. Keep hands, arms and other parts of the body
and also clothing away from couplings, fans and
other moving parts.
B. DO NOT attempt to operate the compressor/dry-
er with the fan, coupling or other guards removed.
C. Wear snug---fitting clothing and confine long hair
when working around this compressor/dryer, espe-
cially when exposed to hot or moving parts.
D. Keep access doors, if any, closed except when
making repairs or adjustments.
E. Make sure all personnel are out of and/or clear of
the compressor/dryer prior to attempting to start or
operate it.
F. Disconnect and lock out all power at source and
verify at the compressor/dryer that all circuits are
de---energized to minimize the possibility of acci-
dental start ---up or operation prior to attempting re-
pairs or adjustments. This is especially important
when compressors and dryers are remotely con-
G. Keep hands, feet, floors, controls and walking
surfaces clean and free of fluid, water, or other
lquids to minimize the possibility of slips and falls.
A. Avoid bodily contact with hot fluid, hot coolant,
hot surfaces and sharp edges and corners.
B. Keep all parts of the body away from all points of
air discharge.

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