Windows and os x version 10.3
Table of Contents



The target curve represents the ideal response of the speaker after optimization. To review or
adjust the Target curve for any speaker, open the SRO screen and click on the target curve you
want to modify. Starting with Rev 5.05 all target curves are saved in the AMC Rack with the
The target screen contains the following items:
Target Filters – the target filters are used to construct the target curves. In many situations the
target filters are automatically selected from the values entered in the bass management panels,
which is the default setup for Blue Sky speakers using bass management.
If the target curves are not appropriate for your application, you can construct a custom target
curve using any or all filters.
Note: Not all the values in the boxes are used for all filters. For example, the slope, dB/oct, and
Q are not used for HPBW4, etc. If you change a value and there is no change in the graph, that
parameter is not used. Also, the HP Shelf and Low Pass Shelf are not "real" shelving filters but
special target filters. "Real" shelving filters have slopes that are multiples of 6 dB /oct. For an
example, in post-production, near-field monitors used for editing may require a 3-dB/oct roll-off
above 4 kHz so the sound matches speakers on the dubbing stage. Although a 3 dB target curve
can be constructed with conventional filters, it may take 6 or more separate filters and a lot of
experimentation to get the target curve you want. However, with the special target shelf filters, it is
much easier.
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