Seagate NAS OS 4 U User Manual page 103

Table of Contents


Important info on NAS backup: To further protect data against the loss of a hard drive or secondary
points of failure (e.g. hardware, network, etc.), it is recommended that all users back up data to a
.DAS or another NAS. See
Backup Manager
for details
Get help choosing your RAID
Tooltip: star ratings for RAID
Understanding NAS OS RAID is critical when deciding how best to apportion the hard drives in your NAS. To
help administrators configure RAID volumes, the NAS OS New network volume wizard provides a star rating
system with an intuitive storage capacity bar. The star ratings are available within the tooltip on the RAID
.selection step. Click on the i next to Select your choice to review the ratings
Seagate NAS OS 4


Table of Contents

Table of Contents