Inputs; Enable/Disable Inputs; Input Type - Phonetics SENSAPHONE EXPRESS II User Manual

Remote monitoring system
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Express II comes standard with 8 universal inputs. The
input capacity may be expanded up to a total of 40 universal
channels. The following parameters determine how each
input functions. The parameters apply to both the standard
and expanded inputs.
1. Enable/Disable Inputs - This function allows you to
enable or disable an alarm on an input to cause a dial out.
An enabled input will respond to an alarm and allow dial out.
A disabled input will not initiate a dial out if an alarm occurs.
The default setting for all inputs is enabled.
2. Input Type - Express II's inputs are universal inputs.
This means that they may be configured to accept the
following type sensors:
1 = Normally closed dry contact (digital)
2 = Normally open dry contact (digital)
3 = Pulse count (counts to 65,535 then resets to zero)
4 = 4-20 mA (analog)
5 = 0-5 Volts (analog)
6 = Temperature (thermistor):
1) 2.8K F thermistor (analog)
2) 2.8K C thermistor (analog)
3) 10K F thermistor (analog)
4) 10K C thermistor (analog)
7 = Time accumulator
The default input type is 2 (normally open dry contact)
3. Input Recognition Time - The input recognition time is
the length of time an input must have an alarm continuously
before Express II will recognize the condition. If an alarm is
tripped and then clears within the recognition time, it is not
recognized as a valid alarm. Express II will not dial out.
This feature is useful to prevent dial outs for momentary
blips or on self-correcting equipment. Each input can be
programmed with a different recognition time. You may
program the recognition time from 0 seconds to 12 hours.
The default is 3 seconds.
The first step in programming the INPUT
parameters is to enter the number of the
input for which you intend to program.
1) Press Program.
2) Press Input.
3) Press the input number(1-40).
Press Enter.
The Input menu will then appear on
the local display.
> 1- enable/disable

2- Input type

3- Recognition time
4- High and Low limits
> 5- Alarm Reset Time
6- Dial out Selection
7- Calibration
8- Reset Value

1-Enable/Disable Inputs:

1) At the Input menu, select Enable/
disable by pressing 1 on the keypad.
Or, by pressing arrow keys until the
">" symbol, on the local display, is
next to Enable/disable.
2) Press 1 to disable.
Press 2 to enable.
2-Input Type:
1) Press 2 at the Input menu, to select
Input Type.(or on local display as
described in Enable/disable inputs)
A list of Input Types will then appear
on the local display.
Chapter 5: Programming

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