The Configuration Menus; Configuration Overview - InfoPrint 6500 DBCS User Manual

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Configuration Overview

This chapter describes the configuration menus. The Configuration Main
Menu options and all of the submenu options are illustrated in menu diagrams
and described in detail. For procedures showing how to enter Program mode,
save, recall, and print configurations, refer to Chapter 3, "Configuring the
Printer" on page 29.
Figure 8 shows an overview of the configuration menus.
The configuration menu diagram on page 52 shows the structure of the
configuration menus and the parameter options available in each menu. The
diagrams list the menus and options in the order they appear when you use
the operator panel to configure the printer. Factory default configuration
values are indicated by an asterisk (
Pressing the operator panel keys (ENTER, RETURN,
various choices for the options, as follows:
The ENTER key allows you to move down to a lower level in the menu
structure, and to select an option value as the active value.
The RETURN key moves you back up the menu structure.
particular menu level.
particular menu level.
These keys are summarized in a legend box at the lower right corner of each
configuration menu diagram.

The Configuration Menus

SCROLL/MICRO allows you to move through the menus and select
SCROLL/MICRO key moves forward through the options at a
SCROLL/MICRO key moves backward through the options at a


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