Dog trace d–control 620 User Manual page 15

Electronic training collar electronic training collar – set for two dogs
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Sound signal
It is only up to you how you use it. It depends on the method you wish to train your dog
with. With the sound signal you can:
Send a sound warning to your dog when it is doing something inappropriate.
Catch the attention of your dog.
Teach it that this signal means the command "Come", "Stay", wherever the dog is
(the sound signal replaces your dog whistle).
The sound signal forgoing the pulse is very effi cient; your dog will soon create a link between
its incorrect behaviour, the sound warning, and its unpleasant feeling.
It is very important to always use the sound signal in the same way to avoid your dog
of being confused.
– Permanent pulse
If your dog does not obey your command and the following sound signal, send it a correction
pulse (at a suitable level) disattract it from its activity and draw its attention to you.
The objective of this correction pulse is not to hurt your dog, but the pulse is very unpleasant
for it and the result is that your dog will soon realize the connectedness between your
command, the sound, and its unpleasant feeling. Only a minimum of these correction pulses
will be necessary in the course of time since your dog will put it together very well with its
disobedience of your command and later, it will be enough to give a command, eventually
accompanied with a sound signal.
Thanks to this button, you can send to your dog's collar a long pulse (press down the button
and hold it longer) or a short pulse (press down the button for a very short time – however,
for 1 second at least).


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