Craftsman 315.114520 Operator's Manual page 14

3/8 in. cordless drill-driver variable speed / reversible 12 volt, 14.4 volt
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See Figure 10.
When not in use, bits provided with your drill can be
placed in the storege area located on the bottom of your
drill as shown in Figure 10,
Fig. 10
Always wear salaty goggles or safety
glasses with side shields when operating tools,
Fal]ureto do so could resultin objects being thrown
Intoyour eyes, resultingIn possibleseriousInjury.
See Figure 11.
A convenient feature provided with your ddll Is a level, It
is recessed in the motor housing on back of your drill, It
can be used to keep drill bit level during drilling opera-
Fig, 11
See Figure 12.
Fig. 12
When drillinghard smooth surfacesuse a center punch to
mark desired hole location.This will prevent the drill bit
from slippingoffcenter as the hole is started.However,
the low speed feature allows starting holes withoutcenter
punchingff desired. To accomplishthis, simplyoperate
your drill at a low speed untilthe hole Is started.
The material to be drilled shouldbe secured in avlse or
with clampsto keep it from turning as the drillbit rotates.
Hold tool firmly and place the bit at the pointto be drilled.
Depress the switchtriggerto start tool.
Move the drill bit into the workplece applying only enough
pressure to keep the bit cutting, Do not force or apply side
pressure to elongate a hole.
Be prepared for binding or bit
breakthrough. When these situations occur, drill has
a tendency to grab and kick opposite to the direction
of rotation and could cause loss of control when
breaking through matedaL If not prepared, this loss
of control can result in possible serious injury,
When drillingmetals, use a light oll on the drill bitto keep
it from overheating.The ollwill prolongthe life ofthe bit
and increase the drillingaction.
If the bit JamsIn workplece or Ifthe drill stalls, release
switchtrigger Immediately.Remove the bitfrom the
workplece and determinethe reason for jamming.

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