Audi A3 Sedan 2015 Owner's Manual page 183

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- Always follow the instructions provid e d
by the manufacturer of the ch i Ld re-
straint you intend to install in your veh i-
cle .
- Never install a child restraint without a
properly attached top tether strap if the
child restraint manufacturer's
inst ruc-
t ions requ ire the top tether strap to be
used .
- Improper use of child restra int LATCH
lower anchorage points can lead to injury
in a collis ion. The LA TCH lower anchorage
points a re des igned to withstand only
those loads imposed by correct ly fit t ed
child restraints.
- Never mou nt two chi ld restraint systems
on one LA TCH lower anchorage point .
- Never secure o r attach any luggage or
other it em to the LATC H lower anchorag-
es .
- In Canada , the terms "top tether " with
"lowe r universa l anchorages " (or "lowe r
universa l anchorage bars") are used to
desc ribe the system .
- In ot her countries, the term "ISOFIX" is
used to describe the lower anchorages .
Fig. 137
Schematic overv iew : LATCH an cho rage point
loca tion s
The illustration s hows the seating locations in
your veh icle which are equ ipped with the low-
e r anchorages system.
Child S a f ety
The lower anchorage positions are marked
for quick locating .
Fig. 1 38
Lower an chor ag es, covers mar ked
Fig. 1 39
Rear sea ts : lowe r an chorage bra cket locat ion s
Lower anchorag es
The circular markings on the rear seat he lp
you to ident ify the location of lower ancho rag-
es for the two outboard seating posi t ions
fig . 138. The LATCH lower universal a nchor-
age attachm ent points are between the rear
seatback and rear seat cush ion .
Re move the covers ¢ fig . 138 to access the
lower anchor age attachment
points .
The lower anc ho rage attachment
po ints are
visible ~ fig. 139.
Lower anchorage s secure the chi ld rest raint in
the seat without using the vehicle's safety
belts . Anchorages provide a secure and easy-
to-use attachment
and minimize the possibili-
ty of improper child restra int installa t ion.
All child restraints manufactured after Sep-
tember 1, 2002 , must have lower anchorage
for the
Please remembe r that the lower anchorage
poin t s are only intended for installat ion and


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