Audi A3 Sedan 2015 Owner's Manual page 148

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Airb a g sys t e m
U.S. Federal Standard if a child with elec-
trical capac itance greater than the com-
bined capacitance of a typical one-year
old infant restra ined in one of the for-
ward fac ing or rearward-fac ing child
seats with which your vehicle was certi-
fied is on the front passenger seat and
the other conditions for airbag deploy-
ment are met.
- Accident statist ics have shown that chil-
dren are generally safer in the rear seat
area than in the front seating posit ion .
- For their own safety, all children, espe-
cially 12 years and younger, sho uld al-
ways ride in the back properly rest rained
for their age and size .
Advanced front airbag system
Your vehicle is equipped with a front Advanced
Airbag System in compliance with United
States Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
208 as applicable at the time your vehicle was
The front Advanced Airbag System supple-
ments the safety belts to provide addit ional
protection for the driver's and front passeng-
er's heads and upper bodies in frontal crashes .
The airbags inflate only in frontal impacts
when the vehicle dece lerat ion is high enoug h.
The front Advanced Airbag System for the
fro nt seat occupants is not a substitute for
your safety belts . Rather, it is part of the over-
all occupa nt restraint system in your veh icle.
Always remember that the airbag system can
on ly help to prot ect you, if you are sitting up-
right, wearing your safety belt and wearing it
properly. This is why you and your passengers
must always be properly restrained, not just
beca use the law requires you to be.
The Advanced Airbag System in your veh icle
has been certified to meet the "low risk" re-
qu irements for 3 and 6 year-o ld children on
the passenger side and very small adu lts on
the dr iver side. The low risk deployment crite-
ria are intended to help reduce the risk of in-
jury through interaction with the front airbag
that can occur, for example, by being too
close to the steering wheel and instr ument
panel when the airbag inflates .
In add ition, t he system has been cer tified t o
comply with the "suppression" requirements
of the Safety Standard, to turn off the front
airbag for infants 12 months old and younger
who are restrained on the front passenger
seat in child restraints that are listed in the
page 168, Child restraints and
Advanced front airbag system .
"Suppress ion" requires the front airbag on the
passenger side to be turned off if:
- a child up to abo ut one year of age is re-
strained on the front passenger seat in one
of the rear-fac ing or forward-facing infant
restraints listed in Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standard 208 with which the Ad-
vanced Airbag System in your vehicle was
cert ified . For a listing of the child restraints
t hat were used to certify your vehicle's com-
pliance wit h t he US Safety St andard
Qpage 168,
- When a person is detec t ed on the front pas -
senger seat t hat has an elec t rical capa ci-
tance that is more than the tota l electrical
capacitance of a child that is about 1 year
old restrained in one of the rear-facing or
forward-facing infant restraints (listed in
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208
with which the Advanced Airbag System in
your veh icle was certified), the front airbag
on the passenger side may or may not de-
light comes on
when the elect ronic cont rol unit detects a to-
ta l elect rical capac itance on the front passen-
ger seat that requ ires the front airbag to be
tu rned off. If the
ligh t does not come on, the front airbag on
t he passenger side has not been turned off by
the control unit and can deploy if the contro l
unit senses an impact that meets the condi-
t ions stored in its memory.
If the total electr ical capacitance regis tered
on the front passenger seat is more than that


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