Audi A3 Sedan 2015 Owner's Manual page 163

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airbags may inf late. Remember too, that air-
bags will dep loy only once and only in certain
kinds of collisions - your safety belts are al-
ways there to offer protect ion in those acci-
dents in whic h airbags are not supposed to
deploy or when they have already deployed .
The side airbag system will not depl oy:
- when the ignition is switched off
- in side collisions when the acce leration
measured by the sensor is too low
- in front -end collisions
- in rear-end collisions
- in ro llovers .
In some types of accidents the front airbags,
side curtain a irbags and side airbags may be
tr iggered together .
- Safety belts and the a irbag syst em will
only p rovide protection when occupants
are in the proper sea t ing posit ion
~page 161 .
- If the airbag indica t or light ¢
page 21
turns on when the vehicle is being used,
have the system inspected immediately
by your authorized Audi dea ler. It is pos-
sible that the a irbag will inf late when it
is not supposed to, or will not inflate
when it should.
How supplemental side airbags work
Side airbags deploy instantly and can help re-
duce the risk of upper torso injuries for occu-
pants who are properly restrained.
Fig. 12 9
Side impact protection: inflated side airbags
A irba g
sy stem
When the system is triggered, t he a irbag is
filled with propellant gas and breaks through
a seam in the seat surface area marked "AIR-
BAG". It expands between the side trim panel
and the passenger. In order to help provide
this add itiona l protect io n, the side airbag
must inflate with in a fraction of a second at
very high speed and with great force. The sup-
plementa l side airbag could injure you if your
seat ing pos ition is not proper or up right or if
items are located in the area where the sup-
plementa l side airbag expands. This applies
especially to chi ldren
page 166, Child Safe-
Supplementa l side airbags inflate between
the occupant and the door panel on the side
of the vehicle that is struck in certain side col-
lis ion¢ fig .
129 .
Although they are not a soft pillow, they can
"cushion" the impact and in this way they can
help to reduce the risk of injury to the upper
part of the body.
A fine dust may deve lop when the airbag de-
ploys . This is normal and does not mean there
is a fire in the vehicle.
Important safety instructions on the
side airbag system
Airbags are only supplemental restraints . Al-
ways properly wear safety belts and ride in a
proper seating position.
There is a lot that you a nd your passengers
must know and act accord ingly to help the
safety be lts and airbags do their job to pro-
vide s upplementa l pro t ect ion.
An inflat ing side a irbag can cause serious
or fata l injury. Improperly wearing safety
belts and improper seat ing pos itions in-
crease the risk of serious personal injury
and death whenever a vehicle is being
- In order to reduce the risk of inju ry when
the supplementa l side airbag inflates:


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