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Display Or Change Configuration Or Vital Product Data (Vpd); Diskette Media - IBM 6611 Pocket Manual

Network processor


Display or Change Configuration or Vital
Product Data (VPD)
This selection displays the Machine Configuration
or VPD, and allows changes to the VPD.
Display Machine Configuration:
This service aid
displays a list of the resources installed on the
Display VPD:
This service aid displays the VPD
for all 'of the resources installed on the system.
Display or Alter VPD
Warning: If this service aid was loaded from a
diskette, any changes or additions to the VPD will
be lost when the system is shut down.
This service aid allows you to display and alter the
VPD for any component. When you select this
service aid, a menu allows you to select the desired
component. When making a change to the VPD, the
change must be saved by pressing the Commit key
as defined at the bottom of the Display or Alter VPD
Display or Change Diagnostic Test List
This selection displays or changes the resources
tested by diagnostics during a POST. The
diagnostic controller uses the diagnostic test list to
determine which resources to test. This service aid
provides a way to delete a resource from the
diagnostics test list, a way to add a deleted
resource back into the diagnostics test list, and a
way to display the diagnostic test list.
Diskette Media
This selection provides a tool for verifying a
diskette. When this service aid is selected, a menu
asks you to select the type of diskette being
verified. The program then reads all of the ID and
data fields one time and displays the total number
of bad sectors found.
Chapter 12. Problem Determination

