Decommissioning - Samson 3291 Translation Of Original Instructions

Table of Contents


10 Decommissioning

The work described in this section is only to
be performed by personnel appropriately
qualified to carry out such tasks.
Risk of bursting due to incorrect opening of
pressurized equipment or components.
Valves and pipelines are pressure equipment
that may burst when handled incorrectly.
Flying projectile fragments or the release of
process medium under pressure can cause
serious injury or even death.
Before working on the control valve:
Î Depressurize all plant sections affected
and the valve (including the actuator).
Release any stored energy.
Î Drain the process medium from all the
plant sections concerned as well as the
Risk of burn injuries due to hot or cold
components and pipeline.
Valve components and the pipeline may be-
come very hot or cold. Risk of burn injuries.
Î Allow components and pipelines to cool
down or warm up to the ambient tem-
Î Wear protective clothing and safety
EB 8072 EN
Risk of personal injury due to pressurized
components and process medium being
Î Do not loosen the screw of the test con-
nection while the valve is pressurized.
Risk of hearing loss or deafness due to loud
Noise emission (e.g. cavitation or flashing)
may occur during operation caused by the
process medium and the operating condi-
tions. Additionally, a loud noise may briefly
occur through the sudden venting of the
pneumatic actuator or pneumatic valve ac-
cessories not fitted with noise-reducing fit-
tings. Both can damage hearing.
Î Wear hearing protection when working
near the valve.
Crush hazard arising from actuator and
plug stem moving.
Î Do not insert hands or finger into the
yoke while the air supply is connected to
the actuator.
Î Before working on the control valve, dis-
connect and lock the pneumatic air sup-
ply as well as the control signal.
Î Do not impede the movement of the actu-
ator and plug stem by inserting objects
into the yoke.
Î Before unblocking the actuator and plug
stem after they have become blocked


Table of Contents

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