Remote Unit Top Panel - Laversab 6300-M4 User Manual

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Please refer to Figure 2.3 which shows the front panel of the Remote unit. The LCD display
has 4 lines of 40 characters each. There are five function keys just below the display. NEXT
SCREEN and PREVIOUS SCREEN are used to move between the different operating screens
of the 6300-M4. At present there are only three upper level operating screens : Main,
Calibrate and Self test.
The FUNCTION SELECT key is used to go into a screen which allows the user to choose any
one of eight functions. The functions are:
1. View Limits
2. Set Limits
3. Set Knots rate
4. Execute profile
5. Setup profile
6. Height Correction
7. Set "Ground"
8. Go to "Ground"
These functions are described in detail in Section 3.
The GO key is used to execute all changes made through the Remote unit. After the changes
have been 'ENTER' ed, they will flash on the screen until executed by the GO key. This allows
for simultaneous execution of several changes in target values, modes, units etc.
The CANCEL key has multiple purposes. It is used to abort all changes that are flashing on
the screen. It is also used to exit out of target value entry, unit selection and mode selection.
It is used to exit out of other screens like Leak test and Function select. The CANCEL key is
also used to acknowledge error messages or exit an executing profile.
These keys are used for numeric entry of target values and other numeric data. The '+/-' key
operates just like on a calculator and is used to enter negative values. This key must be used
after entering the positive value, to make it negative.
The CLR key is used to clear the data entry field.
The ENTER key is used to accept numeric entries and also select units and modes.




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