Adding Cards To Users - CADDX xGenConnect Installation And Programming Manual

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Door Group: Select which door or group of doors, the user has access to. By
default each user has access to all doors.
Display Partition List: Applies to arm and disarming operations from the
keypad. When enabled, entering a PIN to arm or disarm on the keypad will list
all available partitions on which the user can then individually arm or disarm.
When disabled, the system will always arm or disarm all partitions.
Partition Type Override: Applies to non-standard partition types Time Disarm,
Man Down, Guard Tour. When set, disables the feature for the user.
Disable Zone Bypass: User cannot bypass zones
Disable Arm Disarm Reports: Arm or disarm events from the user will not be
Start Date: The first date when this user can interact with the system. Future
start dates can also be set here. The user will only be able to interact with the
system between the start date and end date.
End Date: The last date when this user can interact with the system. Future
end dates can also be set here. The user will only be able to interact with the
system between the start date and end date.

Adding Cards to Users

The xGenConnect system supports dedicated Mifare user cards and tags, which
can be added to users.
The card or tag can be presented to the Mifare reader available on the keypad
models NXG-1832 / NXG-1833-EUR and may trigger the functions as configured
in the keypad options. See NXG-183x-EUR Series Keypad User Manual for
The card or tag can be used to arm and disarm the system, enter the keypad
menu, execute system logic (Action or Scene), unlock doors, or any combination
of these.
Every user may have only one card assigned. A single card cannot be assigned
to multiple users.
The card can be added to existing users only. Create users before adding cards,
if necessary. See "Adding a User" on page 56 for details.
To make the card usable in the system:
Assign a card to the user. This operation can be done by entering the card ID.
Secure the card. This assigns a system-specific security key to the card. The
card must be presented to the reader to perform this operation.
It is recommended to perform the initial card configuration using the NXG-1832 /
NXG-1833-EUR keypad. Adding and securing a card or tag will be done at the
same when going to Add/Edit User Card in the user menu.
xGenConnect Installation and Programming Guide


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