Elevator Assembly - Spacerails Level 5 Instruction Booklet

Table of Contents




Step 1: Place a 391mm Shaft
in the white hole on the
Power Box.
Step 4: Place the Elevator
Cover onto the top of the
elevator assembly.
Page 6
Install the first Elevator
Helix piece male side
up and rotate it until
it slides in place and
engages with driver at
the base of Power Box.
Step 2: Connect 15 more Elevator
Helix pieces together with the male
part facing up to fill the shaft.
Step 5: Connect Rail Clips to
each Elevator Ring as shown.
(Note that the middle ring
only gets two Rail Clips.)
Install Elevator Rings with tabs
facing up, as shown above.
Seaich Corporation, LLC. All rights reserved. www.seaich.com | Spacerails, LLC. www.spacerails.com
Step 3: Once the corkscrew is built,
attach three 391mm support shafts
to the Power Box.
Exit 1
Entry 4
Entry 1
Exit 2
Exit 3
Step 6: Place the
three Elevator Rings
over the three shafts.
Entry 5
Entry 2
Entry 3


Table of Contents

Table of Contents