First Ignition Parameter Setting - Immergas TRIO PACK HYBRID 4 Instructions And Warnings

Heat pump consisting of: indoor unit ui tph - victrix tera 24 plus, condensing boiler, outdoor condensing unit audax pro 4 - 6 - 9 v2
Table of Contents


During the first activation of the appliance, it is necessary to
customise the following parameters, which concern the generator
operation, the type of outdoor condensing unit and the type of
system connected to the appliance.
In the menu
Assistance/System definition
it is possible to modify the heat pump circulator speed by modi-
fying the parameter "HP circ max speed".
IT IS necessary to adjust the pump speed according to the appli-
ance power, to improve the operating efficiency of the machine.
It is suggested to set the following values:
Trio Pack Hybrid 4: Speed = 60%
Trio Pack Hybrid 6: Speed = 70%
Trio Pack Hybrid 9: Speed = 80%
IT IS also necessary to adjust the speed of the zone pumps ac-
cording to the type of system present.
This operation must be carried out directly on the relative zone
pump (see Par. 1.25).
The heat pump is equipped with a standard boiler, capable of op-
erating as an alternative to the heat pump for the DHW (Domestic
hot water) and system functions.
Modifying the parameter:
Integration/DHW (Domestic hot water) integration enabling
it is decided whether to activate only the heat pump or only the
boiler or both to perform the DHW Mode.
Modifying the parameter:
Integration/DHW (Domestic hot water) wait time
it is decided how long to activate the heat pump and the boiler
When the outdoor temp is below:
Integration/Minimum intgr.temperature
the boiler activates automatically.
Modifying the parameter:
Integration/System integration enabling
it is decided whether to activate only the heat pump or only the
boiler or both to perform the System function.
Modifying the parameter:
Central heating wait time/integr.
it is decided how long to activate the heat pump and the boiler
or both together.
When the outdoor temp is below:
Integration/Minimum integration temperature
the boiler activates automatically.
In case of simultaneous DHW (Domestic hot water) and system
requests, the system alternates the two operating modes according
to the times set in the parameters:
Integration/DHW (Domestic hot water) preced. time
Integration/DHW (Domestic hot water) preced. time
The first served operating mode, in case of contemporaneity, is
decided with the parameter:
DHW (Domestic hot water) configuration/ Precedence.
The DHW Mode can have a maximum duration, settable with
the parameter:
DHW (Domestic hot water) configuration/Max DHW (Do-
mestic hot water) time
beyond which the alarm is signalled.
The heat pump can manage up to 2 distribution pumps.
To activate the correct number of distribution pumps, modify
the parameter:
System definition/Zone number.
IT IS possible to customise the operation of each individual zone.
Each zone can be enabled for a single operating mode, modifying
the parameter:
Zone 1-2 Definition/Mode.
The system request for each zone can be made from a room ther-
mostat, which must be enabled in the menu:
Zone 1-2 Definition/Enabl. room thermostat
In case a remote device is used to control the requests, it is nec-
essary to modify the parameter:
Zone 1-2 Definition/Enabl. Remote control.
Automatic Vent Function
In the case of new systems and, in particular, for floor systems, it
is very important that de-aeration is performed correctly.
The function consists of the cyclic activation of the pumps and
the 3-way valve.
The function is activated by setting:
User/Enabl. Func. De-aeration = Yes.
De-aeration lasts 9 hours and it can be interrupted by setting:
User/Enabl. Func. De-aeration = No.
If a dehumidifier is present, it is necessary to modify the parameter:
Zone 1-2 Definition/Enabl. dehumidifiers.
It can happen with the dehumidifier that there are problems in
receiving a too high flow temp. For this reason, dehumidifier ig-
nition can be prevented until the flow water drops below the level:
Zone 1-2 Definition/Max dehumidif. temp.
Furthermore, if the setpoint calculated for the dehumidification
is too high to carry out a request, the alarm is signalled and the
dehumidifier is stopped. This value can be edited through the
Zone 1-2 Definition/Set dehumidif. alarm
In case a humidistat is used to control the dehumidification re-
quests, it is necessary to modify the parameter:
Zone 1-2 Definition/Humidistat.
In the presence of a floor system, it is necessary to avoid the for-
mation of condensate in the floor by enabling the use of the dew
temperature calculation:
Zone 1-2 Definition/Enabl. dew point.
It is possible to enable the flow temperature control via the ther-
moregulation with "room" probe, by modifying the parameter:


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