Table of Contents


Pulse Measurements Mode – Option 330
Pulse Measurement Settings
How to set Time
Specify the time over which data will be acquired by the USB Power Sensor.
When Trace Graph is selected, Tr 1 is annotated with these values. Time can
be specified using either of the following pairs of values:
— A positive start time indicates a delay after the sensor detects a pulse
— A negative start time displays data that is acquired BEFORE the sensor
— Follow each by entering a value using the numeric keypad, the
— After using the keypad, select a multiplier key. Learn about multiplier

Zoom Window

When Trace Graph is selected as the measurement, a secondary Zoom Trace
can be used to view a zoomed portion of Tr 1. When Zoom Window is ON, blue
vertical posts appear on Tr 1 to indicate the current start, center, and stop
times of the zoom window. The zoom window can be scaled using the standard
Scale settings.
How to make Zoom Window settings
— Press Measure
— Then
— Press Trace 6
— Then
— Then choose from the following:
Keysight N9927-90001 User's Guide
Sets the center frequency of the carrier on which pulse
modulation resides. This is used to set amplitude correction of the
USB Power Sensor.
Center 1
Time/div 1
Start Time
Time Length
detects a pulse signal (or T-zero).
or the rotary knob.
Trace Graph
Zoom Window OFF ON
Opens the zoom window on the bottom half of the FieldFox
screen. The window includes the zoomed trace.
Closes the zoom window.
Zoom Center
While monitoring the T within the blue vertical posts on Tr 1,
enter a value for the center time using the numeric keypad, the
arrows, or the rotary knob.
Specify the center time and time per division.
Specify the start time and length of


Table of Contents



Table of Contents