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Before proceeding, please read the chapter "Safety instructions". We recommend that you gain experience
by cutting smaller logs. In this way you will also get to know the chain saw.
Always adhere to safety instructions. The chain saw may only be used for cutting wood.
It is forbidden to cut any other materials. Vibrations and kickback differ for various materials. Do not use the
chain saw as a lever for lifting, moving or splitting material. It is forbidden to attach any parts or jigs other
than those specifi ed in the technical documentation.
It is not necessary to push the chain saw into the cut. When the motor is running at full speed, push the chain
saw down lightly.
If the chain jams in the cut, do not attempt to free it by pulling, rather stretch open the cut using a wedge or
Safety brake (protection against kickback)
This chain saw is equipped with an automatic chain brake that, if it works correctly, immediately stops the
chain in the event of kickback. It is necessary to check the working order of the chain brake before every use
of the chain saw. Run the chainsaw at full speed for 1 - 2 seconds and then tilt the front protective cover. The
chain must stop immediately even when the motor is running at high speed. If the chain stops slowly or does
not stop at all, please contact an authorised service centre.
It is extremely important to check the working order of the chain brake and the sharpness of the chain before
every use to ensure that the necessary level of safety in the event of a kickback is maintained. Removing
safety accessories, incorrect maintenance or when using unsuitable guide bars or chains may, in the event
of kickback, result in serious injuries.
Cutting trees
Decide about the direction in which the tree will fall, respecting
the wind direction, incline angle of the tree and location of the
branches, and consider all other factors before cutting.
The area around the tree must be clear, without obstacles, and
must enable a stable stance. The escape route must be passable.
Cut a wedge into one third of the tree's diameter on the side to
which the tree should fall. (see fi g. Cutting trees, point 1)
From the opposite direction perform a separation cut at a level
above the wedge cut. (see fi g. Cutting trees, point 2)
The tree will fall in the direction towards the wedge cut.
(see fi g. Cutting trees, point 3)
When cutting trees, inform other people in the area about the potential danger. Cutting trees requires experi-
ence and we do not recommend performing this task without the necessary experience.
Cutting trees


Table of Contents

Table of Contents