Programming Options - Mitel Smart-T Installation And Programming Manual

Fax business controller
Table of Contents


To Initiate a Local Tandem Mode
Acknowledgment Characters
Data Verification
Issue 1, December 1995

Programming Options

At the local site (using a terminal and a tandem capable controller), enter the PROGRAMMING
MODE, then the TANDEM MODE commands 942 908. The Controller will self-prompt on the
screen. It will ask which line to use and acknowledge receipt of the dial tone, at which time the
number to be dialed is entered. The user may pick up the associated phone at this point to talk to
someone at the remote location. Once the remote controller or the FAX machine has answered,
enter the Remote Access Code. The default Remote Access Code is
in the FBC, modem carrier tone will be presented for a period specified by the 011 Register.
Once the modem carrier tone stops, the Remote DTMF Security Code must be entered before
entering Tandem Mode. Upon a successful match, an acknowledge tone will be sent back to the
local site from the remote FBC.
The last command to the remote Controller should be 999 in order to exit program mode in the
remote Controller. Failure to do so, will result in the remote Controller telephone line timing out
of the programming mode, which will lock up (for two minutes) that telephone line from receiving
incoming calls.
While programming the Controller with a terminal remotely from Tandem mode, you will see
characters that specify correct entries, incorrect entries and programming time-out messages. In
general, after each correct entry, the Controller will respond with a "F" character.
If You See - C
"C" means that the command you have entered has been recognized as valid (correct), i.e. you
entered 902
If You See - F
"F" means that the entry you have made has been accepted. This occurs after a parameter has all
the digits it needs to complete programming, or you entered ## on a variable length parameter
indicating completion of the entry. For example, if you dial 100 you will see "C", then dial 2 and
you will see "F".
If You See - ? . . . WARNING . . . . LOGOUT IN 60 S . . .
"? . . . WARNING . . . . LOGOUT IN 60 S . . . " will appear, if you remain inactive in the
programming mode for more than sixty seconds. After two minutes of inactivity, you will auto-
matically exit programming mode.
If You See - E
"E" will be seen, if you have made an incorrect programming entry.
Note: In the event of an invalid entry, try the entry again. No data was accepted by the Controller
for that entry.
Data Verification confirms the contents of a Controller's database. Data Verification does not
alter the contents of the Controller's database and is intended to be used with a terminal, or PC
access with a 300 baud modem as shown below.
. If the modem is enabled
Fax Business Controller - 47


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