Filament Loading - Filament Innovations BFP-ICARUS-TYPHOON Manual

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Filament Loading

To begin printing with your printer, or to change filament, it is important to
know how to load filament into your ICARUS. Follow the two guides below
for Loading Filament for the First Time and Changing Filament.
Loading Filament for the First Time
1. Put the desired spool of filament on
any of the filament holders in the
filament chamber.
2. Preheat the hotend to the correct
temperature for that filament.
3. Cut the end of the new filament at a
45 degree angle to allow it to more
easily be fed through the tube.
4. Push the lever on the extruder to the
left – this opens the extruder. Image 4
shows the open extruder position.
5. Start feeding the filament through the
tube, through the sensor, and continue
feeding it until you feel it stop – it has
now entered the extruder.
6. With the hotend heated and
filament in the extruder, release the
filament lever by pushing it back to
the right – this engages the extruder.
Image 6 shows the extruder in the
closed position.
7. On the Duet Screen, press the Extrusion
button to extrude 100mm of filament
at 5mm/s – twice – so you extrude
200mm of filament. If the extruder does
not move, then press the Home All
button to home all the axes as a safety
precaution and repeat this step.


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