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Remote Commands; Hardware Requirements; Protocol; Command Format - Thermo Scientific KingFisher Flex Service Manual

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Version 1.1

Remote Commands

7.1.1 Hardware Requirements

The KF processor is connected to a RS232 or USB serial port or LAN. The serial connector on
the instrument is a 25 pin male D connector. Reception is through pin 2, transmission through pin
3 and signal ground is at pin 7. The serial parameters are fixed: 9600baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit,
no parity. USB and LAN to be defined later.

7.1.2 Protocol

All data is transferred in case sensitive ASCII lines. A KF processor command must be terminated
to a <CR> or <LF> character or any combination of them (CR, LF, CR LF, LF CR). Maximum
length of a command line is 80 characters. The response lines from the instrument are terminated
to CR LF.
XON/XOFF software handshaking is used. The XON character is decimal 17 and the XOFF
character decimal 19.
NUL characters are ignored by the instrument.

7.1.3 Command Format

The commands comprise of a 3 character command identifier followed by command paramenters
applicable to the command. The <SPACE> character separates the fields of the command.
Example: MOM 500 100<CR><LF>
Empty commands are ignored by the instrument. In the example above, the <LF> after the <CR>
is an empty command.

7.1.4 Response Format

All response lines start with the same 3 character identifier as the command being executed.
The first response line contains only the command identifier and it is sent when the execution of
the command starts.
The last response line contains the command identifier, end field characters END and the
uc_status field which is '0' for a successful completion, else an error or warning code (see
Between the first and the last response line are command specific data lines if data is returned.
Note that these lines may not be there if an error is reported.
Example: Response to VER command with no errors status.
VER KF 1.1<CR><LF>

7.1.5 Buffering

The instrument is able to receive more than one command line at the time. The PC must stop
transmitting commands upon receiving a XOFF from the instrument and may resume after
receiving XON. The instrument processes the commands in the order they were received with the
exception of the Abort command, which is processed immediately.
The instrument also buffers the response lines. If the PC is slow in processing the responses, it
should send XOFF to the instrument when it's receive buffer is getting full. Because of response
line buffering the instrument continues processing the commands until it's transmit buffer
becomes full.
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Service Manual

