Snmp Management - Proxim RangeLAN 802 8520 User Manual

Table of Contents


You may configure and monitor the RangeLAN802 Access Point using an SNMP
management package. The following illustrates the software menu:
Main Menu
C onfigu ration Men u
E na b le /D is ab le D isa ss oc iatio n Trap s
R ea d /W rite S NM P C o m m unity
E na b le /D is ab le A uthe ntica tio n Tra p s
Statistics Men u
Statu s Menu
D ow nload Menu
D iag nostics Men u
R eset Access Point

9. SNMP Management

TC P /IP C onfigu ration Menu
Filter C onfigu ration Men u
B rid ge C o nfiguratio n Menu
E thern et C o nfiguratio n Menu
Autho riz ation T ab le C onfigu ration Men u
S N MP C onfiguration Menu
E nab le/D isa b le S NM P
Re a d /W rite S N M P M a nag e r IP A d d re ss
U pload C on fig uration Menu
+ R eset Access P oint to Factory D efaults
D ump C o nfiguration to S creen
+ Not Accessible via Telnet
R ea d -O nly S N M P C o m m unity
S NM P Tra p C om m unity
Re a d -O nly S N M P M a na g e r IP A d dres s
Trap Ta rg et A d d re ss


Table of Contents

This manual is also suitable for:

Rangelan 802 8521

Table of Contents