Physical Training - BOMBARDIER 1996 Ski-doo MX Z440 Handbook

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Start tomorrow and change the way you "DOO" business! Get into a daily routine that includes
balanced nutrition, rest, exercise, riding and vehicle service.
You can not change a week before the race and undo bad habits that may have taken many years
to perfect!
Personal discipline and sacrifice is required before achieving success on the track.
You owe it to yourself and your sponsors to deliver the best return on time and money invested in
your effort.
Consume a high carbohydrate diet (see nutrition tips). These foods will nourish your muscles
with muscle sugars (glycogens) the better your muscles are "fueled" the less fatigued you will
be during and after training and on race day. The less time you have for training the more
important it is to eat properly and lets face it, we all have jobs that get in the way of your sport so
plan accordingly.
Right after training or a race, start consuming carbos such as fig bars, fruit etc., to start replacing
depleted stores.
Drink lots of fluids to maintain hydration and make sure you "warm down" after training to bring
your heart rate down slowly and to gently work out the by-products of exercise.
A small cup of cafeine cofee might be consumed just prior to race. It may enhance your
performance by making you more alert. This should be experimented first in training to ensure
there are only positive effects.
For XC and SNO-CROSS racing, endurance type training activities that enhance your stamina
and breathing control are best. Running for periods exceeding 30 minutes is the best way to
improve stamina. The more and faster you run the better your breathing control will become.
These abilities will pay off in short burst, SNO CROSS events and long distance events like the
500. When you lose breathing control and start hyper-ventilating you quickly lose concentration
and then 2 things generally happen; you slow down and get passed or you suddenly become
part of the landscape adjacent to the trail!
A good daily routine should involve a cheap and highly portable format that relies on no
equipment and can be done just about anywhere therefore making it "excuse proof". Try this
A: 8 chinups - full arm extention.
B : 25 pushups - chest [not belly] touching the floor.
C : 32 situps - knees bent, hands locked behind head.

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