HP 9835A Programming Manual page 61

35 series desktop computer assembly development rom
Table of Contents


The Processor and the Operating System
:::::;]] ' : : : : : ; {address}
Ten's complement of Ar2. The mantissa of Ar2 is replaced
with its ten's complement and Decimal Carry is cleared.
Fixed-point addition. The mantissas of Ar! and Ar2 are
added together, and the result is placed into Ar2. Decimal
Carry is added to the twelfth digit. After the addition, Decimal
Carry is set if an overflow occurred, otherwise Decimal Carry
is cleared.
Mantissa word addition. The contents of the B register are
added to the ninth through twelfth digits of the mantissa of
Ar2. Decimal Carry is added to the twelfth digit; if an over-
flow occurs, Decimal Carry is set, otherwise it is cleared.
Fast Multiply. Performs the multiplication by repeated addi-
tions. The mantissa of Ar1 is added to the mantissa of Ar2 a
specified number of times. The number of times is specified in
the lower 4 bits (0-3) of the B register. The result accumulates
in Ar2. If intermediate overflows occur, the number of times
they occur appears in the lower 4 bits of the A register after
the operation is complete. The upper 12 bits of the A register
are cleared along with Decimal Carry.
Fast divide. The mantissas of Ar1 and Ar2 are added together
until the first decimal overflow occurs. The result accumulates
into Ar2. The number of additions without overflow is placed
into the lower 4 digits of the B register (0-3). The remainder
of the B register is cleared, as is the Decimal Carry flag in the
Clears the Decimal Carry flag in the processor.
Skips to {address} if Decimal Carry is set. Decimal Carry is a
flag in the processor which may be set as the result of certain
BCD arithmetic operations (see Chapter 5 for details).
Skip to {address} if Decimal Carry is cleared. Decimal Carry is
a flag in the processor which may be set as the result of
certain BCD arithmetic operations (see Chapter 5 for details).


Table of Contents

Table of Contents