GREAT PLANES Ryan STA-M Instruction Manual page 11

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2. Apply a fillet of epoxy mixed with milled fiberglass
inside the pants where shown between the brackets in the
photo. If milled fiberglass is not available, microballoons is a
suitable substitute.
Start with the right gear first so the photos will
match your progress the first time through.
3. Mount an axle onto the right landing gear wire with
two 3 x 6mm SHCS (socket-head cap screws). The axle
should be positioned so that it is parallel with the bottom
horizontal wires. Tighten and loosen the screws a few times
to mark the wire.
4. Remove the axle from the landing gear. File flat
spots on the gear where the screws made their marks.
5. Reposition the axle on the gear. Tighten the screws.
Be certain that the screws have "landed" on the flat spots
and that the axle has remained parallel with the bottom
wires. If necessary, remove the axle and adjust the flat spots
until you can get the axle positioned correctly. (Taking your
time here and doing the job correctly will eliminate having
the axles loosen at the flying field.)
Flat Spot
6. Cut the covering from the grooves in the landing
gear rails in the bottom of the right wing panel. Trim the rail
and the wing sheeting (where indicated by the arrow) to
accommodate the aft strut where it "angles up" toward the
main strut. Also trim the edge of the hole in the forward rail
to accommodate the bend in the main strut.
7. Fit the landing gear into the wing. Drill 1/16"
[1.6mm] holes for the screws for four landing gear straps
where shown, then mount the gear to the wing with the
straps and #2 x 1/2" [13mm] screws. Note: Make certain the
straps are no closer than 1" [25mm] to the forward strut.
8. Fit the right wheel pant over the gear. (The right
wheel pant is the one that fits the right wing best when fit
over the landing gear.) Slip a wheel collar followed by a
wheel and another wheel collar onto the axle (if necessary,
temporarily remove the axle to install the wheel).
9. Center the wheel pant and the wheel laterally on the
gear. Also position the pant, fore and aft, where it best fits the
wing. Note: If the landing gear wire protrudes below the bottom
surface of the wing and interferes with the fit of the wheel pant,
trim the wheel pant as necessary to accommodate the wire.


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