Dataton PICKUP Production Manual page 34

Table of Contents


Sample Welcome file
The example on the left shows commands embedded in
a welcome file. These specify the EQ 5 equalizer setting
with enhanced mid-range, no functions when turning the
action button, and immediate access to sound files when
the visitor points and clicks at a transponder. The com-
mands are separated by semi-colons. Other commands
remain at the factory settings.
Once the visitor has listened to the welcome file, the
PICKUP will be governed by the specified command set-
tings. This can be changed later on by using other files
triggered with a transponder.
The welcome file is part of the album called "0000
Welcome to Stone Age Museum" and sorts in first on the
3 5 |
5 . P R E PA R I N G A U D I O F I L E S I N I T U N E S


Table of Contents

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