Default Setting - Dataton PICKUP Production Manual

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Usually this field is used to specify the music genre, like Pop, Classic, HipHop. But you can
specify Genres that are relevant to PICKUP, such as English, French, Advanced English.
If you specify * as the value, you will be able to access all file types, regardless of their

Default setting: *

You may list several genres in the Genre field, separated by a comma. For example, if you
want to access both English and Advanced English you would enter:
Example >
SG English, Advanced_English.
Note >
Make sure you enter the Genre accurately, with the correct spelling. To avoid mis-
spelling the Genre name, save proposed genre names in the Genre pop-up menu. Ones that
you don't intend to use may be deleted.
Note >
Space characters are not allowed in a Genre description. Use underscores instead.
Note >
A file with a blank Genre field is considered universal and will always be played,
regardless of the genre specified in the SetGenre command. If you intend to use genres at all,
it is a good idea to assign a genre to every file in your tour.
The Select-Genre command is usually used with the welcome file, but it can also be used with
other sound files. For example, the initial setting could be *(default value). Further along in the
tour, the visitor could choose the Genre such as, the language by pointing and clicking at a
language transponder. All subsequent files are then limited to the selected Genre.
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P I C K U P – P R O D U C T I O N G U I D E


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