Dataton PICKUP Production Manual page 14

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1) Turn the action button clockwise. Please note that it can only be turned slightly. Release
the button. A single flashing indicator is shown at one o'clock on the button's display.
The radio starts searching for a radio channel.
2) Repeat 1) until you hear the channel setting you want to save.
3) When you have found a channel you wish to save, press the action button until the indi-
cator stops flashing and shines steadily instead. This channel is now stored at "one o'clock".
4) Repeat the process to save additional channels.
A new indicator is shown on the clockface display for each new channel stored. You will
quickly learn to recognize the channels by the position of their indicators on the display.
Select and liSten to preSet radio cHannelS
1) Turn the action button clockwise or anti-clockwise to select the channel. If the indicator
shows a steady light there is a preset channel stored there. If an indicator on the clockface
display flashes, it means there is no preset channel assigned.
2) Exit the FM radio by turning the action button anti-clockwise after the one o'clock station
has been selected. PICKUP is now ready to start playing MP3 files from its internal memory.
cHanGe a preSet
1) Turn the action button until you reach the channel indicator you wish to change.
2) Press the action button until the channel indicator starts flashing.
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3 . P I C K U P A S A N M P 3 P L AY E R


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