Dataton PICKUP Production Manual page 24

Table of Contents


You can select several files and drag them to the LIBRARY, or entire folders, or drag them
over one at a time.
If the sound files already contain info on Artist, Album and Track, they will auto-
matically be sorted into folders marked with the correct name. You can then easily
locate them by choosing Music and checking the information on the right under list
headings for Genre, Artist and Album.
If you can't see these lists, click the eye icon, bottom right in the iTunes window.
If your files have not been tagged, they will be classified as an unknown artist,
unknown album and be shown at the bottom of the list.
taGGinG fileS
Note >
Tagging files is not just a cosmetic feature – tagging provides essential information
for the PICKUP and is the backbone of the audio guide installation.
find all fileS for an eXHiBition
Locate all the files you will be using in an exhibition. If you are unsure of their content, listen
to them again by double-clicking the file in the list. You can now start to tag all files in the
exhibition with the same Artist. The Artist name is the name of the exhibition. In the example,
it is Stone Axes.
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5 . P R E PA R I N G A U D I O F I L E S I N I T U N E S


Table of Contents

Table of Contents