Chapter 2 Setting Up Np1040 Nas Server; Before You Start - Xtore NASolution NP1040 User Manual

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NFP Storage Manager 1.1 User's Manual
Chapter 2
Setting up NP1040 NAS Server
After connecting your NP1040 NAS server to a power source and
LAN, power it up and use NFP Setup Assistant to locate the server
and configure its IP address.
Setup procedure for the NP1040 NAS server:
1. Make sure all internal components and hard disk drives (HDD)
are properly installed. (Please refer to the Hardware Installation
Guide for detailed instructions)
2. Connect NP1040 to LAN and power source, and then turn it
3. Run NFP Setup Assistant from any Windows terminal on the
LAN to locate and configure NP1040 server's IP address. Once
this is done a browser window will be opened automatically,
and you are connected to NFP Storage Manager on NP1040
Server (See details below).
4. Use NFP Storage Manager's Quick Configuration to configure
the basic options of the server (see Chapter 3).
5. Use NFP Storage Manager to configure the details of the
server, such as system configuration, user privileges, and
network and hard disks management (see Chapter 4).

Before you start

Please install HDD into NP1040 NAS server.
When purchasing diskless model that supports DOC/DOM,
please install at least one HDD before turning on the server.
Chapter 2. Setting Up NP1040 NAS Server


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