ashtech ZY-12 Information Supplement page 35

Table of Contents


First line of display The entire first line of the display shows the coordinates of the antenna -
latitude, longitude, and altitude per the WGS-84 ellipsoid. Press the
numbered keys, typing zero where necessary. When a field is full, the cursor
automatically jumps to the next one.
Position can be entered or displayed in two formats: deg/min or deg/min/sec.
The format can be changed under Screen 4, SUBCMDS.
Recording interval lets you specify how frequently to record data into
memory. The default is 20.0 seconds, displayed when the receiver is first
turned on. If you want to collect less data, increase this parameter.
Conversely if you want more data to examine, decrease the interval, perhaps
to 10 seconds.
Press [e] to go to data entry mode, and press the down arrow until the
INTERVAL field is highlighted. Then press the numbered keys such as 0, 1,
and 0 to enter a 10-second interval. (This is typical for a kinematic survey.)
Make sure the recording interval is changed at the beginning of the survey. It
should not be changed once data collection has begun.
Data can be recorded at any half-second interval (0.5, 5.5, 10.5). Any other
subsecond interval is not allowed.
Lets you set the minimum number of satellites with valid ephemerides that
need to be locked before data recording can begin. It defaults to 3 when the
receiver is first turned on.
Lets you set the minimum elevation angle below which no satellite data are
recorded. Default is 10°. To change the angle, press the right arrow until
ELEV MASK is highlighted, then press the numbered keys such as 0 and 0
to enter a 0° angle. For surveying, try to collect everything above 10° and
limit the cut-off angle only in post-processing. Note that this mask controls
only data recording. For position computation, see Screen 4, Position
Receiver Options
The following entries are Screen 4 options. All options appear on Screen 4 but some can be
activated only when they have been installed in your receiver. They are described in the order
seen on the screen shown on the first page of this section, left-to-right, top-to-bottom.
Goes to the Position Fix Parameters subscreen where you specify criteria for
receiver position computation.
Can be accessed only if the differential option has been loaded into the
receiver. When DIFFERNTL is accessed, the receiver goes to the Differential
Mode Selection subscreen where you can set up the receiver as a BASE or
Calls the Session Programming subscreen which lets you program up to 10
data-recording sessions.
Allows you to set special receiver parameters and control how data and
position are stored.
Screen Descriptions
Table 3.7. Screen 4 Parameters


Table of Contents

Table of Contents