ashtech ZY-12 Information Supplement page 107

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3. Go to screen 0 and observe all 12 channels are now set to that satellite.
Observe that "STAT" indicate "LK" for all 12 channels, and that PL1 and
Pl2 indicates "LY" for all 12 channels. This may take a few minutes to
Go to screen 1. Observe for all 12 channels the S/N is the same value, ±
1. Press the <up-arrow> key and verify the same condition for the next
screen. Repeat one more time so that the 3 screens showing values for
"1", "P1", and "P2" in the lower right corner are checked. This refers to C/
A, LP1, and LP2 respectively.
All channels being in Y-mode can also be checked with the KEY and MBN
Type "$PASHQ,KEY" <Enter> and observe that the receiver has
entered Y-mode with the "$PASHR,KEY,Y" response.
Type "$PASHQ,MBN" <Enter> and observe that all channels show
"24" for L1 and L2 frequency. Note when 12 channels are locked, then
there should be 24 indications of the "24" response.
4. To exit the Channel test, perform a "soft" reset of the ZY-12 with the
following command:
Type "$PASHS,INI,5,5,5,5,0,0" <ENTER>.
The receiver should return to normal Y-mode tracking.
Security Function Tests


Table of Contents

Table of Contents