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Pioneer DEH-P9400MP Operation Manual page 69

Multi-cd/dab control dsp high power cd/mp3/wma player with fm/am tuner
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to the ownc~.'s manual iOr details on co,,-
netting the power :unp and other units. then (make
connections correctly.
Secure the wiring with cahlc clamps or adhesive
tape. To lprofecf the wiring. wrap adhesive tape
around them where they lie against metal paGs.
Route and NCC~IX all wiring so it cannot touch any
moving parts. such its the gear shift. hantlb~~ke,
and sent rails. Do not roulc wiring in places that
get ho(, buch ab ncx fhc heater outIcI. If the insula-
Lion of fhc wiring melts or gets torn, there is a tlan-
ger 01'fhc wiring sllolt-ci~cuitinX
to the vehicle
Dolpf pass fhc yellow 14
through a hole into the
engine compartmcn~ to connect fo the battery. This
will tlam;gc fhc le:d insulation and cxw
a very
Do no( shorten any leads. Zi' you do. the protection
circuit may i'ail to worlk when il :shoulcl.
Never fectl power 10 other cquipmcnt
by cutting
the insulation of the power <upply lead of the unit
and fupping into the lead. The current capacity o(
the lead will he exceeded, c:msiirg overheating.
When replncing fuse. bc sure to use only fuse ol
the rating prcscribcd on fhc I'use holder.
Since a unique BPTL circuit is cmploycd,
wire so the speaker leads are dirccfly ground4
the left and right @ spcakcr lcatls are co~nmon.
If the RCA pin jack on fhr unit Gil not hc used. do
not ~'cmove fhc caps atfnclted to fhc end of the COII-
Speakers COIIIICCLC~ to this tunif must he high-
powcr types with minimum
rating of SO W and
impedance of 4 10 S ohms. Connecting spcaher\
with outpul and/or impcclancc values other than
fhosc noted here may result in the speakers cnfch-
ing fire, emitting smoke. or hecoming damaged.
When this product's source ib switched ON, a co,,-
trol signal is outpuf through fhc hludwhife
Connect to an external power amp's system remolc
c01111.01 01' LhC cds
Auto-:lnfenn;~ relay c0111r0l ter-
minal imax. 300 mA 12 V DC). IT the car feeaturca
in glass nnfenna. connect to the antenna boostct
power supply terminal.
When an external power amp is being usetl with
lhis system. be SUL'C not lo connect the blue/white
lexl fo the amp's power terminal. Likewise,
do not
connccf the blueiwhi~e lead fo the power terminal
of the aulo-anlenna.
Such connection could cause
excessive cu~'rtxl drain and malfunclion.
To :tvoid short-circuiting,
cover the disconncctcd
lead wiih insulnting fape. Especially, insulate Ihe
unusccl speaker leads without l'ail. There is a possi-
bility of short-circuiting
if the leads are nof insulat-
To prevent incorrect connecrion, the input sicle of
the IP-BUS connector is blue, and the output side
is black. Connect the connectors of the same colors
IT fhi:, unit is installed in a vehicle that does not
have an ACC (accessory) position on the ignition
switch. the red lead ol'the unit should be conneclecl
to a ret-mimtl coupled with ignition switch ON/OFF
operations. If this is not done, the vehicle haltcry
may be drained when you are away Cram the veh-
cle li)r sevclal hours. Fig.
ACC position
No ACC position
The black lead is ground. Plcnse ground this lead
from the ground of high-current
ucts such a~ power amps.
If you gountl
the products togcthcr and the ground
becomes defachcd, there is a risk of damnge to the
products or fire.

