DCA Intertel s’print BT User Manual page 20

Portable thermal printer
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The printer's configurable parameters, with RS232 interface selected, are:
• Interface:
• IR Protocol(9):
• Baud Rate:
• Data length:
• Parity:
• Handshaking:
• Autofeed:
• Battery:
• Standby:
• Alignment:
• Print density:
Please note: the parameters marked with the symbol D represent the default
(12) NOTE: It's the name that identify the printer from a Bluetooth remote de-
(13) NOTE: BT PIN is the password that permit to connect to the printer, if
devices request it.
(14) NOTE: BT Name ID needs to diversify one printers from another that have
the same name, inside the same area. The index will be added at the end of
the name (example: S'print-BT #1). It's possible that some Bluetooth remote
device don't update immediatly printer name, but only at the beginning of new
connection. This happened because most of remote devices create a page table
between Bluetooth address (that is passed on every access) and the identificati-
on name. So the method of research of remote devices is sensibly faster, but it
involves that the printer name (or others devices BT) is update only sometimes,
for the most part it happened at the beginning of new connection.
(15) NOTE: Nota the authentication needs to enable the password entry, from
the host at every connection, for printing. This option activation allows to
print even if sameone isn't enable to do it . If sameone is enable to use
the printer (and consequenty to know the password), it's possible to
execute an operation of "pairing" (combination of the devices) in this
operation the password is requested only one time. It's possible, when
the devices are coupled, to access to printing service without password.
The BT name, BT PIN, BT name ID and the authentication become actives only
turning off and than turning on the printer, reset commands or reset after set
up don't get actives those setting.
If Bluetooth is enable, it's better do not send data on RS232 line, because datas
could set over Bluetooth line.
RS232D, Infrared(8).
Enable, DisableD.
38400, 19200, 9600D, 4800, 2400, 1200, 600.
7, 8D bits/car.
NoneD, even or odd.
XON/XOFFD or Hardware(10).
CR deactivatedD or CR activated.
1000 mAh, 1100 mAh, 1200 mAh, 1300 mAh, 1400 mAh,
1500 mAh, 1600 mAh, 1700 mAh, 1800 mAh, 1850 mAh,
1min, 5minD, 10 min, 30 min(12), 1 h, 2h, None.
DisableD, Enable.
-2, -1, 0D, +1, +2.


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