Check Network Wiring - Crestron Isys TPMC-12L Operation Manual

12” wall mount touch screen
Table of Contents


12" Wall Mount Touch Screen
Use the Right Wire
Calculate Power
60 • Isys
12" Wall Mount Touch Screen: TPMC-12L
TPMC-12L Troubleshooting (Continued)
Video window
Improper video
touch screen
has no display.
Incorrect video cable
Incorrect video format
Incorrect VT Pro-e
project file loaded.
Improper Ethernet
via the LAN port
connection (IEC).
is not
Incorrect touch screen
selected in SIMPL
Another device set to
the same IP address.
Possible bad port on the

Check Network Wiring

In order to ensure optimum performance over the full range of your installation
topology, use Crestron Certified Wire only. Failure to do so may incur additional
charges if support is required to identify performance deficiencies because of using
improper wire.
CAUTION: Use only Crestron power supplies for Crestron equipment. Failure to
do so could cause equipment damage or void the Crestron warranty.
CAUTION: Provide sufficient power to the system. Insufficient power can lead to
unpredictable results or damage to the equipment. Please use the Crestron Power
Calculator to help calculate how much power is needed for the system
When calculating the length of wire for a particular Cresnet run, the wire gauge and
the Cresnet power usage of each network unit to be connected must be taken into
consideration. Use Crestron Certified Wire only. If Cresnet units are to be daisy-
chained on the run, the Cresnet power usage of each network unit to be daisy-
chained must be added together to determine the Cresnet power usage of the entire
chain. If the unit is home-run from a Crestron system power supply network port, the
Cresnet power usage of that unit is the Cresnet power usage of the entire run. The
wire gauge and the Cresnet power usage of the run should be used in the following
equation to calculate the cable length value on the equation's left side.
Crestron TPMC-12L
Verify proper connections on
the touch screen.
Verify that the correct video
cable is being used.
Select the proper video input
configuration in the touch
screen configuration setup
menu. (Refer to "Video" which
starts on page 25.)
Make sure that video window
object resides in project, re-
compile and reload.
Verify proper connection at
touch screen LAN port.
Select "Touchpanel (Ethernet)"
instead of "Touchpanel
Obtain new touch screen static
IP address.
Use crossover cable to connect
directly to the Ethernet port on
a PC and ping the IP address
of the touch screen to confirm
communication. If it is good,
confirm hub port by testing with
another Ethernet device.
Operations Guide – DOC. 6686C


Table of Contents

Table of Contents