Waveform Measurements; Measuring With Cursors; Cursor Measurement Icons - LeCroy SDA Operator's Manual

Serial data analyzer
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Nevertheless, using more bins may require that you perform a greater number of waveform
parameter measurements, in order to populate the bins sufficiently for the identification of a
characteristic histogram distribution.
In addition, very fine grained binning will result in gaps between populated bins that may make it
difficult to determine peaks.
The oscilloscope's 20,000-parameter buffer is very effective for determining the optimal number
of bins to be used. An optimal bin number is one where the change in parameter values is
insignificant, and the histogram distribution does not have a jagged appearance. With this buffer,
a histogram can be dynamically redisplayed as the number of bins is modified by the user. In
addition, depending on the number of bins selected, the change in waveform parameter values
can be seen.


Measuring with Cursors

Cursors are important tools that aid you in measuring signal values. Cursors are markers — lines,
cross-hairs, or arrows — that you can move around the grid or the waveform itself. Use cursors to
make fast, accurate measurements and to eliminate guesswork. There are two basic types:
Horiz(ontal) (generally Time or Frequency) cursors are markers that you move horizontally
along the waveform. Place them at a desired location along the time axis to read the signal's
amplitude at the selected time.
Vert(ical) (Voltage) cursors are lines that you move vertically on the grid to measure the
amplitude of a signal.

Cursor Measurement Icons

The Readout icons depict what is being measured for each measurement mode.
Each cursor locates a point on the waveform. The cursor values can be read in the
descriptor label for the trace. Use the Position data entry fields at the right side of the
dialog to place the cursors precisely.
This is the difference in Y values. The value can be read in the descriptor label for the
Displays absolute and delta cursors together.
This gives the slope between cursors.
If there are nontime-domain waveforms displayed, there will also be a menu offering choices of x-
axis units: s or Hz, for example.


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