Removing Mpeg-4 Closed Captions - VBrick ETHERNETV V4.4.3 Admin Manual

Portal server
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Removing MPEG-4 Closed Captions

MPEG-4 files with closed captions cannot be added to NXG servers until the closed caption
track is removed. The ETV Portal Server will display an error message if you try to add such
files. VBrick provides a utility to remove the closed captions track from an MPEG-4 file if
necessary. It is installed with ETV Portal Server in
To remove the closed captions track from MPEG-4 files.
1. Go to
c:\program files\vbrick\MCS\utils
2. Enter an
MPEG-4 File Name
it may take a few moments to complete.
3. When done, you can add or autoingest the video file as necessary.
Optional. 0–n custom fields to associate with this video. See Custom
Fields on page 28 for more information. Each custom field must
• name – must be already defined in Portal Server or field will be
• value – dropdown list boxes only; must be already defined in Portal
Server or field will be ignored.
and click
Remove CC Track
c:\program files\vbrick\utils
and double-click
. Depending on the size of the file
© 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.


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