Port Configuration - Eaton NetDirector B064-008-01-IPG Manual

Table of Contents


OSD Operation
The Access setting determines if an account is allowed to access the selected port, and if so, what level
of access the account has. To edit this setting, click on the box in the Access column next to the account
you wish to edit. Continue to click until you toggle to the desired setting.
Full Access – This setting is represented by an icon that shows a pair of glasses and a pencil. It allows
the corresponding account to both view video and perform operations on the selected port.
View Only – This setting is represented by a pair of glasses only. It allows the corresponding account
only to view video of the selected port.
No Access – This setting is represented by an X, and denies the corresponding account access to the
selected port.
Mount USB
The Mount USB setting determines if an account is allowed to access the virtual media functionality on
the selected port, and if so, what level of access the account has. To edit this setting, click on the box
in the Mount USB column next to the account you wish to edit. Continue to click until you toggle to the
desired setting.
Full Access – This setting is represented by an icon that shows a pair of glasses and a pencil. It allows
the corresponding account to both read and write to virtual media mounted to the selected port.
View Only – This setting is represented by a pair of glasses only. It allows the corresponding account
only to read virtual media mounted to the selected port.
No Access – This setting is represented by an X, and denies the corresponding account access to virtual
media mounted to the selected port.
The Config setting determines if an account has permission to make changes to the master KVM or port
configuration settings. To edit this setting, click on the box in the Config column next to the account you
wish to edit. Click to toggle Config access on/off. A check mark enables access, an X disables access.
Note: Config checkboxes are provided as a way for Super Administrators and Administrators to customize which ports
Administrators and User accounts have Configuration access to. In order for the Config checkbox to enable Configuration
access to a port, the Administrator or User account must be given Port Configuration access to the KVM switch. (See
Permissions in the Adding User Accounts section under User Management in OSD Operation for details.)
When you are done editing access rights to the selected port, click on the Save icon in the lower-right corner of the Access sub-
Also at the bottom of the page are Copy and Paste icons. These are used to copy the access settings from one port and paste
those same settings to another port. To do this, simply highlight the port you want to copy and click on the Copy icon. Then
highlight the port you want to paste to and click the Paste icon.

Port Configuration

The Port Configuration sub-section allows Super Administrators and Administrators to edit port properties settings, assign
system macros to a port, and add/remove associated links. When the master KVM is highlighted and the Port Configuration sub-
section is selected, the following screen appears.
The only setting that appears on this page is the Occupy
Timeout setting. This setting controls the amount of inactivity
time before a port that is set to Occupy (see Port Property
section on the following page for details) is opened for access
by another user. Enter in a value from 0 to 255 seconds. The
default is 3 seconds.
When a standard port is highlighted and the Port Configuration
sub-section is selected, a screen opens up that contains two
sections; Port Property and Associated Link. The Port Property
section is opened first by default.


Table of Contents

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