How To Calibrate Weight; How To Modify Bluetooth Name - Excell Wireless Platform Service Manual

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13-10 How to Calibrate Weight

For the following procedure, be cautious about the conversion of Type A Data to be written (please
refer to 9-2-3. Data Type A regarding Type A format(s)).
❶ First set this device to Calibration Mode.
❷ Connect to this device.
❸ Enable UUID E813's 'Notify'
❹ Temporarily set the command set, which is to be written to UUID E812 handle, as that of AD Mode
2 (for more details please refer to 12-1-1. Temporarily Switch E813 Notify Output Formats).
❺ Read UUID E813's 'Notify'. Now the contents of 'Notify' are AD Mode 2 Data , and the AD internal
value can be read. , i.e the AD internal value is stored in the R1~R24 bits decribed in the section 11-1-1
AD Mode 1~3.
❻ Suppose only 2 points of AD internal value are captured (one point under empty load and another
point under full capacity load), correspondingly the following command sets shall be written to the
UUID E812 handle (please refer to 12-1-13. Write Linearity Calibration for more details):
a) Linearity calibration under empty load, i.e.
NN = 1, TT = 2, and KK KK KK KK = AD internal value under empty load.
Note that data type is Type A.
b) Linearity calibration under full capacity load, i.e.
NN = 2, TT = 2, and KK KK KK KK = AD internal value under full capacity load.
❼ Write UUID E812 handle with the command set for Weight Calibration (please refer to 12-1-15.
Write Single-point Weight Calibration for more details), i.e.
ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ = AD internal value under empty load ,
SS SS SS SS = AD internal value under full capacity load
WW WW WW WW = weight reading under full capacity load
❽ Afterward, write relevant specification settings sequentially to the UUID E812 handle, for example:
G value,decimal point position, division, unit , Bluetooth Mode, etc. (for more details please refer to 12.
Commands List (for UUID E812 Handle)).
❾ End the Calibration Mode ,i.e write the calibration-ending command set to the UUID E812 handle,
then you can exit the Calibration Mode. For more details, please refer to the section 12-1-17. End the

13-11 How To Modify Bluetooth Name

A Bluetooth name only allows 8 bytes.
A Bluetooth name can be acquired by reading the UUID E814 handle.
To write a Bluetooth name , you can write directly to the UUID E814 handle.


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