Technics SL-PG450 Operating Instructions Manual page 40

Table of Contents


Editing with only desired
Recording only desired tracks from four
discs on a C-46 tape.
Edit recording of the first disc
1 Prepare the cassette deck.
Perform step 1 on page 30.
2 Program the desired tracks in
Perform steps 1 and 2 on page 18.
3 Press TAPE LENGTH and specify
the length of the tape (C-46).
4 Press DISC LINK.
5 Adjust the recording level.
Perform steps 3 and 4 on page 30.
6 Press ► PLAY to start recording.
If the cassette deck has no SYNCHRO
EDIT terminal, see page 32.
Recorded contents of tape: Q
Edit recording of the second disc
1 Insert the new disc.
2 Erase the programmed tracks on
both sides A and B.
© Press CLEAR until the track number
displayed is 0.
(D Press SIDE A/B to switch to side B.
® Press CLEAR until the track number
displayed is 0.
© Press SIDE A/B to switch to side A.
3 Program the desired tracks in
4 Adjust the recording level.
5 Press ► PLAY to start recording.
Recorded contents of tape: El
Edit recording of the third disc
1 Insert the new disc.
2 Erase the programmed tracks on
side B.
3 Program the desired tracks In
4 Adjust the recording levei.
5 Press ► PLAY to start recording.
Recorded contents of tape: E|
Edit recording of the fourth disc
The procedure Is the same as that for the
third disc.
Recorded contents of tape; El
To cancel CD edit mode:
Press ■ STOP.
•When a new disc Is inserted close to the
end of side A of the tape and the time
remaining on side A is shorter than the
next track, advance the tape to the begin¬
ning of side B and begin recording again.
SYNCHRO EDIT terminal continues to ad¬
vance the tape even after disc playback
has ended. Don't forget to stop the tape
and rewind It to the point where recording
•If the cassette deck is not equipped with an
auto reverse mode, change the tape over
to side B when the recording on side A is
Edicion de las melodias
deseadas solamente
Grabacidn de las melodias deseadas de
cuatro discos en una cinta C-46.
Grabacidn con edicion del printer
1 Prepare la platina de casete.
Realice el paso 1 de la pdgina 30.
2 Programe las melodfas deseadas
en orden.
Realice los pasos 1 y 2 de ia pSgina 18.
3 Pulse TAPE LENGTH y espe-
cifique la duracldn de la cinta
4 Pulse DISC LINK.
5 AJuste el nlvel de grabacidn.
Realice los pasos 3 y 4 de la pSgina 30.
6 Pulse ► PLAY para Inlciar ia gra¬
Si la platina no tiene terminal SYNCHRO
EDIT, consulte la pdgina 32.
Contenido grabado en la cinta: Q
Grabacidn con edicidn del segundo
1 Inserts el nuevo disco.
2 Borre las melodfas programadas
para los lados A y B.
© Pulse CLEAR hasta que el numero de
melodia visualizado sea 0.
© Pulse SIDE A/B para cambiar al lado
(D Pulse CLEAR hasta que el ntimero de
metodfa visualizado sea 0.
© Pulse SIDE A/B para cambiar al lado
3 Programe las melodfas deseadas
en orden.
4 AJuste e( nlvel de grabacidn.
5 Pulse ► PLAY para Inlciar la gra¬
Contenido grabado en la cinta:


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