Auto Rate Control Calibration - Raven Scs 450 - Goldacres MY17-19 Operator's Manual

Prairie special 1500-3000l
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Auto Rate Control Calibration - Raven SCS 450

After the console has been installed and turned on it
will require a one-time initial programming. For more
detailed information about console features and
operation consult the Raven SCS 450 Installation and
Service manual.
STEP 1: Unit of measure options will be displayed.
Set your unit of measure by pressing [CE] repeatedly
until the desired unit is displayed (SI is the metric
unit in volume per hectare) and then press [ENTER].
STEP 2: Now choose your speed sensor type by
pressing [CE] repeatedly to cycle the two options
and then press [ENTER].
SP 1 - Wheel-Drive or Drive-Shaft Speed Sensor
SP 2 - Radar Speed Sensor
STEP 3: The console will now ask for the valve type.
Press [ENTER] to accept 'C-SD-Standard Valve' for
this sprayer.
IMPORTANT: Steps 1-3 are very important because
the system will appear to function properly but
if the units are incorrect, the quantities will be
very inaccurate. If an error has been made whilst
calibrating these 2 steps, turn the console off then
turn back on again while holding [CE] to reset and
clear all memory. To see what has been programmed,
press and hold [SELF TEST] for about 5 seconds until
the programmed information is displayed (flashing
and toggling).
STEP 4: Press [BOOM CAL] then [ENTER]. Enter
boom section 1 width in centimeters and press
e.g. 6 m = 600 cm. Press [6] , [0] , [0].
The Raven 450 console has provisions for handling
up to 5 boom sections. To measure the boom width
for each boom section, count the number of nozzles
in each section and multiply by the nozzle spacing. i.e.
12 nozzles in one section at 50 cm (0.5 m) spacings
becomes 12 x 0.5 m = 6 metres.
STEP 5: Press [1] (up arrow) to select boom section
2 (B-02) Enter section width in centimeters and then
press [ENTER].
STEP 6: Enter values for remaining boom sections
using [1] (up arrow) and [2] (down arrow) to select
them. If a boom section is not needed, enter the
width value as '0'.
Prairie 1500-3000L Operator's Manual MY17-MY19 - REV 0
STEP 7: Press [SPEED CAL] then [ENTER]. Enter
speed CAL in decimeters e.g. 477 (1 metre = 10
decimeters) then press [ENTER].
Speed CAL is the distance measured by 10
revolutions of the speed sensor wheel. This is best
done with the tank half full of water which best
simulates average wheel diameter between full and
empty loading and measured on ground that is
typical to what will be encountered when spraying.
Also note the tyre pressure when this procedure
is performed. This tyre pressure needs to be
maintained for the speed CAL to be accurate. The
speed CAL should be checked at the start of every
spraying season as the speed CAL may need to be
altered to compensate for tyre wear, etc.
NOTE: For SCS450 console with 4 wheel magnets
(2 red and 2 black) - use the measured distance
converted to decimeters for the speed CAL entry
(1 metre = 10 decimeters).
For SCS450 console with 2 wheel magnets (1 red
and 1 black) - use the measured distance converted
to decimeters and then multiplied by 2 for the speed
CAL entry (1 metre = 10 decimeters).
STEP 8: Press [METER CAL] then [ENTER]
Enter Meter Cal for litres. Press [ENTER] (e.g. 185)
Meter Cal is the Calibration number on the Flow
Meter white tag. The required number for litres is the
number in square brackets.
Press [VALVE CAL] then [ENTER]
Enter '2123'
Press [ENTER]
STEP 10:
Press [RATE 1] then [ENTER]
Enter Rate 1 in litres per hectare e.g. 60.
Press [ENTER]
STEP 11:
Press [RATE 2] then [ENTER]
Enter Rate 2 in litres per hectare e.g. 75.
Press [ENTER]
NOTE: RATE 2 can be the same as RATE 1 if only
one rate is to be used.
Continued over page
Chapter 6 - Calibration - 19


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