Peak Up - RESEARCH CONCEPTS RC4080 Integration Manual

Antenna controller
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RC4080 ACU
The "scan range" is a receiver specific user-defined angular value that determines the range to be
searched by the Azimuth Scan routine. Since the angular range is user-selectable, there are two factors
to take into consideration when setting this value.
1) The scan range should be larger than the accuracy of the compass. For example, if the compass
is accurate to ±5° the scan range should be at least ±5. A scan range of double the compass
accuracy is usually recommended for optimum operation.
2) Always ensure that there are not multiple satellites within the "scan range" that have the same
carrier. When this occurs, the RC4080 will have difficulty determining which satellite is the
desired target.
Following the completion of the Azimuth Scan, the RC4080 will immediately move to performing an
azimuth and elevation peak up. Peak Up

The Peak Up routine will automatically begin at the end of an Azimuth Scan. If the heading has already
been fixed, it will also perform this routine automatically at the end of a locate if the "TARGET PEAK"
configuration item is set to option 1-3.
If the Azimuth Scan finds a lock or signal strength peak, it will return to the azimuth position where it
noted the lock or peak. This position may not be the absolute peak position due to the lag of signal
strength sensing during the Azimuth Scan. The Peak Up routine will next perform a "fine tune" peaking
process. While executing this, line 4 will display "PERFORMING PEAKUP".
During the Peak Up, small jogs in azimuth and elevation will be made to find the local peak position. The
step sizes taken will approximate a theoretical signal strength change of 0.4 dB (according to antenna
size, operating band, etc.).
During the Peak Up operation, line 4 of the display shows "PERFORMING PEAK UP (***)". Where ***
corresponds to the size of the current peaking step in counts. The axis that is currently moving will also
flash during the Peak Up operation.
A Z I M : 3 2 5 1 2 (
E L E V : 3 7 6 2 2 (
P E R F O R M I N G P E A K U P ( 5 3 )
Chapter 5
- 8 . 2 )
D V B : 3 6 5 4 L
4 4 . 5 )
S A T : G A L A X Y 2 8
< S T O P > H A L T


Table of Contents

Table of Contents