Operating Environment; Functions; Process Of Matching Of Antenna Impedance; Modes Of Tuning - Acom 06AT User Manual

1.8-54 mhz automatic antenna tuner & switch
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8.1.12. Operating Environment

Temperature range: -10 to +40 degrees Celsius (14
Relative air humidity: Up to 95% @ +35 degrees Celsius (95
Height above sea level: Up to 3050 m (10000 ft) without output deterioration.

8.2. Functions

8.2.1. Process of Matching of Antenna Impedance

Fully automated.

8.2.2. Modes of Tuning

Two modes: Full (basic cycle of user tuning) and Quick (restoring preset full tune settings from the non-
volatile memory).

8.2.3. Memory for the User Tune Settings

Integrated non-volatile memory, separate for all four antenna-selectivity types and outputs.

8.2.4. Types of Antenna Selectivity / Bandwidth

For fitting the width of frequency segments to the natural bandwidth of antennas, four antenna selectivity
types can be declared:
Sharp (narrow bandwidth): the width of frequency segments is approximately 0.25% of the
central frequency of the band;
Regular - used by default. The width of frequency segments is approximately 1% of the central
frequency of the band;
Wide (wide/broad-band). The width of frequency segments is approximately 4% of the central
frequency of the band;
Fixed - for the tuning to be valid, it requires coincidence of the operating frequency with
tolerance +/-4 kHz to the stored value.

8.2.5. Bypass and Use ATU Modes

In BYPASS mode all components of the matching network are excluded, allowing direct operation of
broadband antennas. The normal mode is USE ATU.

8.2.6. Overview of Tuning Settings

Method for overview of all tuning settings is provided. Also, provided is method for deletion of individual or
all tuning settings.
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October 2022


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