Features - Acom 06AT User Manual

1.8-54 mhz automatic antenna tuner & switch
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1.5. Features

Easy set-up of user tuning presets
For a CAT transceiver a single press of the TUNE button on the amplifier front panel is all you need.
Transparent (invisible) operation
After setting up the user presets (auto tune) for the frequency segments and antennas, the operator will
not be involved with tuner operation.
Three kinds of frequency segments, according to antenna natural bandwidth
The operator can choose according to the nature of each of the four antennas: Narrow band - Sharp,
Normal - Regular, and Broadband - Wide.
Capability of operation at fixed frequencies
This capability is available also.
Non-volatile memory
Non-volatile memory for user presets (auto tune), independent for the four antennas, the three types
of segment width, and more than 1000 random fixed frequencies for each antenna.
User presets
The user presets are automatically loaded, following frequency and antenna selection changes.
Export (backup) of preset memory
Backup of preset memory to a computer file, import of previously made backup files from a computer
to the tuner memory.
Helpful information
Information about the setting age, and alerts for settings that reach a certain age, defined by the
operator in 4 possible age levels.
Power supply and control to the tuner
Power supply and control to the tuner, as well as status return from the tuner are facilitated over the
coaxial cable between the amplifier and tuner, no need for additional cables or special control signals
from the transceiver (the availability of CAT control from the transceiver will give further advantages to
the setup).
Improved electromagnetic compatibility
Full tuning can be completed within 5 seconds (typically 2-3 seconds), at 25 W at the tuner input and
less than 6 W at the antenna output; quick tuning (from nonvolatile-memory presets) is completed in
less than 0.05 seconds with zero emitted signals.
Input SWR during full tuning cycles
Input SWR during full tuning cycles - below 2:1, preventing activation of transceiver PA protection.
Input SWR after completing a tuning cycle
Input SWR after completing a tuning cycle - below 1.5:1 (typically below 1.3:1).
Relays with gold-plated contacts
Relays with gold-plated contacts for excellent receive characteristics.
Relay switching
Relay switching will only take place when no RF current is flowing, preventing contact arcing critical for
preventing contact oxidation, surface melting and material transfer (otherwise resulting in poor
receiving performance) and to avoid any unwanted widening of the spectrum of signals, emitted during
the tuning cycle.
Page 12 of 70 | S e c t i o n GENERAL INFORMATION
User's Manual | ACOM 06AT | Automatic Antenna Tuner and Switch
October 2022


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