Sensata Magnum Energy CSW3012-X Owner's Manual page 38

Pure sine wave inverter
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The GFCI outlet
There is a neutral-to-
trips as soon
ground bonding in the
as the load
load side.
is connected
to either L2/
N2 AC Output
terminals or
into the GFCI
The input
Make sure you are
battery under-
measuring the voltage
voltage warning
directly at the DC
(E05) and/or
Input terminals of
shutdown alarm
the unit—check the
(E01) occurs
possible voltage drop
in advance
between the battery
even when the
posts and the unit's
battery voltage
input terminals.
seems to be
Battery bank with high
internal resistance,
resulting in a voltage
drop proportional to
the DC current draw
from the unit.
Battery bank is
getting discharged.
© 2021 Sensata Technologies
Possible Cause/
4.0 Troubleshooting
Locate and remove the
neutral-to-ground bonding on
the AC load side. If the output
of the inverter is connected to
an existing distribution panel/
box, make sure the neutral-
to-ground connections inside
the panel/box use separate
bus bars—the neutral one
is isolated from the chassis
ground. Otherwise, consider
using the AC 1 (L1/N1)
Excessive voltage drop
between the battery bank
and the inverter may be due
to high resistance of the DC
wires, the battery disconnect
switch is turned off , or a faulty
fuse/DC breaker. Make sure
to use the recommended wire
gauge and length. Try to use
fuses (or DC breakers) with
very low voltage drop (e.g.,
ANL type fuses, etc.).
Too much battery voltage
drop due to an excessive
draw of current in relation
to the battery bank capacity.
Increase the battery bank
capacity (i.e., add more
batteries in parallel) and/or
reduce the load being fed by
the inverter.
Battery damaged and not
able to keep a good state of
charge. Replace the battery
(or batteries).
This is a normal condition. An
E05 warning followed by an
E01 shutdown occurs while
the battery bank is getting
discharged. Charge the
battery bank.


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