Dynamics Meters - Universal Audio Ampex ATR-102 Manual

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Dynamics Meters

In Gate mode, there is simultaneous inward metering from the top and bottom
to the center, which provides a visual "gate" that opens and closes along with
the gate processing.
Dynamics Meters signal peaks are held for 3 seconds before resetting.
Meter Labels
Band Enable
blue. Click the button to toggle the active state of the band. Disabling bands
does not reduce UAD CPU usage.
Band Solo
When one or more bands are in Solo mode, only the soloed bands can be
heard and the other bands are muted.
UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual
Realtime display of Precision Multiband dy-
namics processing is shown in the Dynamics
Meters. This area also contains the band en-
able and band solo controls.
There is one vertical dynamics meter for each
band. They are color coded to match the
bands, and represent (from left to right) the LF,
LMF, MF, HMF, and HF bands respectively. Dy-
namics processing for each band is indicated
by light blue "LED-style" metering.
Zero dB is at the center of the meter, and the
range is ±15 dB. Downward/negative meter-
ing indicates compression is occurring on the
band. Upward/positive metering indicates ex-
pansion is occurring.
The labels above the Dynamics Meters reflect
the mode that each band is in: GR (Gain Re-
duction) for compression, EXP for expansion,
and GT for Gate.
Each band has an Enable button. The Enable but-
ton for the band is just below its dynamics meter.
The band is active when its Enable button is light
Each band has a Solo button. The Solo button for
the band is just below its Enable button.
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Chapter 36: Precision Multiband

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