Harrison 32C Se - Universal Audio Ampex ATR-102 Manual

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Hi Gain
This control determines the amount by which the frequency setting for the high
band is boosted or attenuated. The available range is ±10 dB.

Harrison 32C SE

Figure 45. The Harrison 32C SE plug-in window
The UAD Harrison 32C SE is derived from the UAD Harrison 32C. Its algo-
rithm has been revised in order to provide sonic characteristics very similar to
the Harrison 32C but with significantly less DSP usage. It is provided to allow
Harrison-like sound when DSP resources are limited. Nobody with "golden
ears" will say it sounds exactly like the full version, but it still sounds great and
is very usable in most situations.
The Harrison 32C SE interface can be differentiated from the Harrison 32C
by knob color and the module name. The Harrison 32C SE blue knobs instead
of the Harrison 32C's ivory knobs, and the module name on the upper right
of the interface panel includes "SE."
Harrison 32C SE
The Harrison 32C SE controls are exactly the same as the Harrison 32C.
Please refer to the Harrison 32C section for Harrison 32C SE control descrip-
tions (see
UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual
"Harrison 32C EQ and Harrison 32C SE Controls" on page
The Gain knob controls the signal level that is
output from the plug-in. The default value is 0
dB. The available range is ±10 dB.
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Chapter 13: Harrison 32C EQ

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