User Role; Table 4 - User Services - Oracle StorageTek T10000D Manual

Non-proprietary security policy
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Tape Management
Run Diagnostics
2.4.2 Non-Approved Services available in Mixed Mode
DPKM and the SPIN and SPOUT SCSI commands available in Mixed mode of
operation are considered non-approved services and do not provide any FIPS-
approved cryptographic protection. Because SPIN and SPOUT are considered a
plaintext key establishment technique, they shall not be used in the Approved
mode of operation. Any keys established by SPIN or SPOUT are considered
non-Approved keys and shall not be used in the Approved mode of operation.

2.4.3 User Role

The User of the StorageTek T10000D Tape Drive is the everyday user of the
module. The User is responsible for importing the encryption and decryption
keys when operating in one of the Approved modes with encryption enabled.
Once an encryption key has been obtained, the User has the ability to encrypt and
decrypt data stored on the tape cartridge. A list of services available to the User,
and the Approved mode the service is available in, is provided as Table 4.
Encrypt data from the module to
Encrypt Data
the tape cartridge
Decrypt data read from the tape
Decrypt Data
Write plaintext data from the
Write Plaintext Data
module to the tape cartridge
Read plaintext data from the
Read Plaintext Data
tape cartridge
This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright notice.
Load or unload a new tape
cartridge into the module
Perform a diagnostic test on the
Table 4 – User Services
© Copyright 2017 Oracle Corporation
Approved Mode
Permanent Encryption
Encryption Enabled
Encryption Disabled
Mixed Mode
Permanent Encryption
Encryption Enabled
Encryption Disabled
Mixed Mode
Approved Mode
Permanent Encryption
MEKey – X
Encryption Enabled
Permanent Encryption
MEKey – X
Encryption Enabled
Encryption Disabled
Mixed Mode
Permanent Encryption
Encryption Enabled
Encryption Disabled
Mixed Mode
CSP and Type of
CSP and Type of Access
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