Pre-Flight Checks - H-KING FG-1 Corsair Lucky Gallon Instruction Manual

Table of Contents


Congratulations you have now fully assembled and set-up your H-King
FG-1 "Lucky Gallon" and are ready for your first flight. However it is
recommended you read and follow the advice and tips given in the
following pages before you fly this model.


1. Always check wings and control surfaces for alignment and damage. Check all connections
to the control surfaces, check all screws and glue joints.
2. Check the propeller for any damage. If damage is found, replace it with a new one.
3. Ensure the battery is installed in the right location for the correct C of G.
4. Always turn your transmitter on before powering up your RC plane.
5. Periodically perform a range check with your transmitter. Make sure your plane is secure to
prevent damage to people and property.
6. Check that the plane responds properly to control inputs and that the direction of travel is
7. Visually re-check all your control surfaces, airframe, screws and motor mount are in working
8. Check the voltage of your transmitter and flight battery to ensure they are fully charged
before flying.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents